So, now you’ve caught the bus, got your ticket and you’re on the way. If you’re unfamiliar with the journey, make sure you keep an eye on where the bus has got to on the route – you don’t want to miss your stop! If you’re travelling to an area you don’t know, and aren’t sure where to get off the bus, when boarding ask the driver to alert you when you reach the correct stop. However, please don’t talk to the driver whilst the bus is moving as this could distract them. If you do know where you need to get off the bus, look out for the stop coming up, and as you approach it ring the bell once, to let the driver know you want the bus to stop. Try and give our driver plenty of time before the stop as they need to stop safely and take into consideration other road users. If someone else has already rung the bell the ‘stopping’ sign will light up, so you don’t need to ring the bell again.
The bus will only stop at a bus stop, and the driver will open the doors once the bus has come to a halt. Be careful stepping down from the bus to the pavement, and remember to make sure you’ve not forgotten any bags or luggage. Enjoy the rest of your day!